I haven't needed my hairbrush in a long time. Our shampoo bottle has lasted forever. But... I HAVE SOME HAIR NOW. It is growing quite well. I now have bed head in the morning and if I don't wet my hair down and style it with some sort of product, it looks terrible. I'm grateful for the head covering as winter is quickly approaching. Although, getting up and going without having to worry about my hair has been pretty nice.
I have to say that not having hair screws with your "womanly" identity. I've grown used to it but it was difficult in the beginning. It might not have been so hard if it had just been the hair but coupled with the loss of my breasts, it was a huge, double whammy. It was not just a loss of hair from head but from my whole body. If you are wondering if your hair "down there" goes too, why yes it does. A face is pretty non-descript without eyebrows and eyelashes.
I have had my share of looks from strangers. It bothers me about a nano second. I know one female cancer patient who actually had someone say to her, "WHY on earth would you choose to have your hair cut that short?". The ignorance of some people really floors me.
I thought I would put some pictures together from the beginning of this whole ordeal showing how my hair has changed. Why, it's been on a journey all it's own!
right after cancer diagnosis
shaving my head to get rid of itchy stubble
sleeping with a hat to stay warm
bandanas - I love em!
I wore lots of knitted hats also
my one and only wig that I liked
hair growing back and looking rather gray
my hair now - coming in thick again
You look beautiful with or without hair!!!
You look so cute. You have a nicely shaped head, so bald is beautiful on you! I heard from another cancer patient that the hair first comes back grey, like ash from a volcano, but your color will come back, too.
Wow, this is such an encouraging blog post for me!! My hair is coming back in gray like yours did. I'm anxious to get some other color in there. Probably not as much as you did, since I'm 50...
Praying for you, Janet Albertson
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