Wednesday, January 20, 2010

snow fun

After suffering with with temps in the -30s, we got a Sunday where it reached 15 degrees....above zero. The kids started working on their dad for rides behind the snowmobile. We felt pretty happy sitting by the fireplace and snoozing but, lest our children mistake us for old people, we bundled up and went outside with them. Here's some video clips and pictures of the snow fun.

Great pic of Kylie - too bad her hair is stuck in her snot. She's got her new hunter orange cap on that she got for Christmas.

Shelby and her friend, Maria on the sled.

The only picture I have of Macy where she isn't eating snow.

Watch out girls, he's still mama's boy!

1 comment:

The Torpys said...

Ok, if you get a shot gun for when the girls start dating, what do you do when the boys start dating? I think you guys are in trouble 4 times over!

Love to all of you!!!!