Friday, May 15, 2009

Shelby's foot

I realized I never followed up on the story of Shelby's foot. We saw a doctor here in town who took x-rays and said her foot was broken. Then, he sent us to an orthopedic surgeon the next day who took more x-rays (ka-ching, ka-ching) and told us that where the other doctor thought was a break was just her growth plate. He said that fractures and breaks can show up several weeks later in kids so she has an aircast and we will go back in 2 weeks to x-ray again and then go from there.

She has stopped using the crutches and is walking on the cast alone. Her biggest complaint is how stinky her foot is, now that it's in the cast all the time! :) Oh, and the fact that she couldn't jump on the trampoline with her cousins last weekend sent her over the edge for a bit. She said the idea of having a broken bone and getting all that attention sounded like fun until it actually happened!

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